Performance Credits
Springfield, Illinois school system since 1969
Puppeteers of America National Festival (10 invitational performances)
Numerous regional P of A festivals throughout the United States
The Center for Puppetry Arts, Atlanta, Georgia
Performing Arts Foundation, Wausau, Wisconsin since 1983
Indianapolis Children's Museum
Chicago Children's Museum
Awarded UNIMA USA "Citation of Excellence"
Directors Award - Great Lakes Region, Puppeteers of America
Illinois State Fair - since 1994
Harold Washington Library, Chicago, Illinois
Fort Wayne Library System, Fort Wayne, Indiana
The Detroit Institute of Art - Family Sundays 2011
Hundreds of Chicago public, parochial, suburban and Midwest schools.
Major Productions Toured
The Adventures of Robinson Crusoe
Rip Van Winkle
Legend of Sleepy Hollow
A Christmas Carol
The Sword and the Stone
The Greatest American
The Fabled Mr. Aesop
Shoes and Ships and Sealing Wax
Dragon Feathers!
Totem Tales
Once Upon America