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The Art of the Puppet

Each production has its own cast of original Melikin creations. They are hand made using the polyfoam technique. The puppets are large, colorful and designed to portray a specific character. The puppet population numbers well over 375 characters that range in size from a 4 inch bird (Fidrick) to a 35 foot long authentic Chinese Dragon. The Melikins have conducted seminars and workshops for puppeteers at national festivals.

"How Long"

Authentic Chinese Dragon

The World of the Puppet

The Melikin Puppets come to life on a striking arena style stage. It is equipped with theatrical lighting and sound system to overcome the most adverse conditions. The stage can be assembled and “show ready” in 40 minutes. Strike time is about 30 minutes. The Melikins arrive one hour prior to show time to provide ample time to be ready before the arrival of your audience. A sound check is made and room lights adjusted to set the mood. The puppeteers would be happy to suggest a seating arrangement for the best sight lines and sound coverage.

"Show Ready!"

Gilbert Elementry School

Gwinn, MI

Norway Elementry School

Norway, MI

Woodland Elementry School

Kingsford, MI

Sunny Days Learning Center

Stickney, IL

The Melikin Puppet Theatre requires:

• 12' x 15' of floor space

• 9' of ceiling height

• AC wall outlet

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